Page 5 - Stainless Steel Solutions
P. 5


                                                                                    Shielding gases for cutting

              Shielding Gases for Cutting of Stainless Steel

                Praxair’s HydroStar Blends
                                         Mixture        Composition %   Cylinder    Volume   Pressure   Part #
                Produces a metallurgically clean                       Style     (ft )   (psig)
                cut edge with virtually no dross.       Ar      H2      N2
                HydroStar argon/hydrogen and   HydroStar F-5  5   95     T       300     2,400    HY STAR81-T
                nitrogen/hydrogen blends are                             K       223     2,000    HY STAR81-K
                primarily used when cutting   HydroStar H-35  65  35     T       276     2,400    AR STAR56-T
                stainless steel and nickel alloys.
                                                                         K       207     2,000    AR STAR56-K

              Plasma cutting with HydroStar  F-5 produces smooth, shiny cuts with silver edges that are close to the base
              colour of the metal. This gas also avoids the dark heat affected zone that typically results with air plasma cutting.
              Praxair's HydroStar F-5 gas blend can be used with Hypertherm's Powermax45 XP, 65, 85 or 105 to
              produce a metallurgically clean cut edge with virtually no dross. This gas blend is primarily used when
              cutting stainless steel and nickel alloys either manually or with a mechanized system.
              Praxair's HydroStar H-35 gas blend is primarily used when cutting stainless steel and nickel alloys either
              manually or with a mechanized system.

                                                                   These samples were cut from 1/2" (approximately 13 mm)
                                                                   stainless steel 304B at 105 A using a Powermax105.

                        F5: Advantages                 F5: Disadvantages               F5: Similarities to air        CUTTING
              • Smooth, shiny cut edge         • Stainless steel only          • Approximately the same amount of
              • Silver cut edge, similar to the base colour   • Slower cut speeds    dross. With F5 and with air, stainless
                                                                                 steel dross is dark in colour and can be
                of the metal – no dark heat affected zone
                                               • Not recommended for thicknesses less      challenging to remove
              • No oxidation of the cut surface –  the cut     than 3 mm or 10 gauge (GA) or for use    • Approximately the same gas pressure
                steel maintains its corrosion resistance    with Hypertherm FineCut  consumables
              • Ability to use the same Hypertherm      • Slightly degraded cut quality on bevel
                Duramax consumables as for standard      cuts
                cutting and gouging with air (includes
                CopperPlus  electrodes)

              Victor ESS4 Single Stage High Capacity Regulator
              for Hydrogen

              All EDGE regulators feature SLAM  (Shock Limitation and Absorption
              Mechanism) technology built into the adjusting knob, providing additional
              strength, safety and protection of the regulator internals. The EDGE Series
              regulators also have easy to read gauges with enhanced graphics, colour-coded
              knobs for quick gas identification, and offer more natural and safer hand/body
              positioning for adjusting delivery pressure. A regulator intended for hydrogen
              service must be used with HydroStar F-5 or HydroStar H-35 gas blends.

                     Gas Service                Part #                 Model #            Delivery Range (psig)
                   Methane/Hydrogen          VIC0781-5138            ESS4-200-350               10-200


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