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Gas Packaging Options

               Praxair’s StarEZ                To avoid untimely product        PortaGreen  TM
                                               outage, many wineries return
               valve makes cylinder gas        dewars with as much as 20        is our line of recyclable and
               handling very user friendly.    percent unused product,          sustainable calibration gas
               A simple on/off lever replaces   wasting money and decreasing    cylinders. Available in four sizes,
               the hand wheel and comes        productivity. The StarWatch      the PortaGreen cylinders are more
               equipped with a locking mech-   Cryogenic Monitoring             compact than standard cylinders
               anism to reduce the chance of   System – available exclusively   and can be conveniently returned
               accidental opening. An open     from Praxair – provides a clear   using our exclusive Strip and
               permanently affixed shroud      digital read-out of the liquid   Ship  Program. The Strip and
               protects the valve while provid-  level and pressure in your dewar   Ship Program reduces the work –
               ing access for valve actuation   and alerts you with an audio    and the cost – associated with
               and excellent visibility so on-off   and visual alarm when your   standard cylinder disposal.
               status can be readily seen.     supply runs low. The capaci-
               A continuous pressure gauge     tance-based measurement of
               makes it easy to track remaining   the StarWatch system provides
               cylinder contents for change out   a leap forward in reliability and
               planning. And, residual pressure   accuracy versus conventional
               and non-return valves guard     float gauges.
               against accidental contamina-
               tion from backflow. StarEZ is
               arguably the most convenient
               cylinder valve on the market.
               StarEZ is available for Nitrogen
               4.8 and 5.0, Argon 5.0 and
               Extendapak 1.                                                    Microbulk Gas Delivery
                                                                                System *
                                                                                Praxair’s microbulk on-site gas
                                                                                delivery system is a cost-effective
                                                                                cylinder alternative for your
                                                                                business. By replacing cylinders
                                                                                with an on-site supply of gas,
                                               The StarWatch Connect      TM    Praxair’s delivery system may
                                                                                assist in maximizing profitability
                                               system lets you check the status
                                               of all your liquid nitrogen, argon,   and improving efficiency. This
                                               and carbon dioxide dewars        on-site gas delivery system helps
                                               anytime from your computer or    to reduce cylinder inventory
                                               mobile device. Users receive     management, eliminates downtime
                                               highly accurate measurements     from cylinder changeouts and is an
               StarWatch  Cryogenic            of dewar liquid level and pres-  efficient use of production space.
                                                                                It also helps to improve safety by
               Monitoring System               sure along with programmable     replacing high-pressure cylinders
                                               alert notifications by text, email
               You rely on portable, pressur-  and phone call. This helps to    with low-pressure tanks.
               ized cryogenic liquid dewars to   avoid interruptions in cryogenic
               supply liquid or gaseous nitro-  liquid supply, allows for better
               gen, argon, and carbon dioxide   tracking of liquid consumption
               to your wine making facility. The   and gives you the ability to plan
               float gauges traditionally found   for dewar replacement.
               on these dewars are prone  to
               inaccuracy or failure, leaving
               users uncertain about how
               much liquid is available to     * Availability by region may differ,
               supply their applications.      contact us for more details

                        To discuss how we can help make this year a good one, contact your
                 Praxair representative at: 1-800-225-8247 or
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