Page 208 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 208

Institutes of Higher Learning

                                              Praxair E-Commerce

                Non Contract
                                                         Customers With Praxair Contracts

                                           All Contract           Customers With           Large Customers
                                           Customers           eProcurement System      With EDI Requirements

                                                                 Praxair Connect –                                  Higher Learning  Institutes of
                                                                                             Custom EDI
                Praxair Direct           Praxair Express           Punchouts and
                                                                  Hosted Catalogs

            Praxair Direct – Shopping and     n  Download proof of delivery     Praxair Connect Hosted
            Purchasing for Non-Contract         documents                       Catalogs for Contract
            Customers                         n  Check cylinder balances        Customers
                                              n  Retrieve eCOA and MSDS
            If you do not have a contract with   n  Find a local store          If you have e-procurement in place
            Praxair you can shop and order online                               and prefer to host the catalog yourself,
            at         Just register your account at     Praxair Connect offers buyer-hosted
                                     using your    catalogs.
            There you can:                    existing account number.
            n   Browse current product catalogs                                 Our buyer-hosted catalog system
            n  Purchase from a selection of top-tier    Praxair Connect Punchouts for   is compatible with many leading
              products                        Contract Customers                e-procurement software applications,
            n   Find the nearest store and all                                  and delivers a customized catalog
              other contact information.      For those who have invested in    integrated with your ERP system.
            n   Tap into the packaged gas expertise    e-procurement systems as part    Your catalog will have your contract
              in our online information centers  of a strategic sourcing initiative,    pricing, and you will be able to search
            n   Access MSDS, safety, technical and    Praxair can align with your system.    and compare products. We support
              application information         Compatible with many leading      PCards and electronic invoicing as part
            n   Read industry news in our current    e-procurement software applications,   of our electronic order to cash process.
              news section.                   Praxair Connect delivers a fully cus-
                                              tomized webstore that is integrated   Contact
                                              with your ERP system. We’ll take care
            Praxair Express – Shopping
            and Purchasing for All Contract   of the maintenance and updating of
            Customers                         the site, while you get a webstore    Custom EDI –
                                              that has customized:              Electronic Transactions for
            Contract customers can have account   n   Catalog content           Contract Customers
            management at fingertips.
                                              n  Contract pricing               If you want to take advantage of
            With Praxair Express you can:     n  Delivery schedule              electronic services without catalog or
            n  Place orders with your contract    n  Praxair account information  shopping capabilities, consider EDI.
              pricing                         In addition to customized content,   Using EDI you can securely place
            n  Search product availability    you’ll get a first class shopping experi-  orders, receive invoices and make
            n  Create custom groups of frequently    ence with convenient features like   electronic payments. Praxair supports
              purchased products              product search and compare, favorites   all versions of EDI.
            n  Request special items          lists, scheduled deliveries and access   Contact
            n  Search order history           to Praxair MSDS database. We support
            n  Review financials and download     PCards and electronic invoicing as part
              unpaid invoices                 of our electronic order to cash process.

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   D•207
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