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          Star EZ  Cylinder Valve for High Purity Nitrogen & Argon, Air Zero and
          Extendapak 1 gases

          EZ Handling, EZ On/Off Lever. EZ Contents Gauge. The Easy, Safe and Efficient Choice.

          Here are just a few of the reasons you may benefit                                   Open Metallic Guard
          from the Star EZ cylinder valve;                                                     Safe and durable
          ■ ■ Its ergonomic lever and no-fuss locking                                          Valve Cover
             mechanism help provide enhanced safety                                            Improved aesthetics
          ■ ■ Its permanent valve guard makes it easy to
                                                                                               Lever Lock
             visually determine if the cylinder is on or off                                   Enhanced safety
          ■ ■ Its built-in pressure gauge provides at-a-glance
             cylinder content readings                                                         Ergonomic Lever
                                                                                               •  Easy open and close
          ■ ■ Its residual pressure and non-return valve                                       •  Controlled valve opening
             features help ensure preservation of vital product purity                         •  Visible on/off status

          If you are looking for one of the most efficient and effective                       Active Gauge
          easy-open cylinder valves on the market, it's not a hard                             Remaining contents without
                                                                                               a regulator
          choice: Praxair's Star EZ cylinder valve.

          High Purity Hydrocarbons
          Praxair can supply high purity hydrocarbons in packages from cylinders up to cryogenic or tube trailers.
          For your projects, small or large, Praxair offers turn-key solutions.

                                         HIGH PRESSURE Packaging
                                         Ethane (R-170)    99.0% to 99.5%  CNG (Natural Gas, Compressed)  94.0% +
                                         Ethylene (R-1150)  99.0% to 99.95%  LNG (Natural Gas, Refrigerated Liquid)  94.0% +
                          Tube trailers
                                         Methane (R-50)    99.0% to 99.999%  Hydrogen Chloride Anhydrous  99.0% to 99.999%
                                         Carbon Monoxide   99.0% to 99.99% +
             Cylinders     ISO containers  LOW PRESSURE Packaging
                                         Propane (R-290)   99.0% to 99.999%  Isobutylene            99.0% to 99.9%
          LOW                            Propylene (R-1270)  99.0% to 99.99%  R-290 (UL Classified)  99.5% +
                                         Pentene-1         99.0% to 99.999%  R-600a (UL Classified)  99.5% +
                                         Iso-Pentane (R-601a)  99.0% to 99.5%  R-600                99.5% +
                                         n-Pentane (R-601)  94.0% to 99.5%  Cis-2-Butene            99.0% to 99.5%
                            Tube trailers
                                         n-Butane (R-600)  94.0% to 99.99%  trans-2-Butene          99.0% to 99.5%
                                         Butene-1          99.0% to 99.99%  Mixed-2-Butenes         99.0% to 99.5%
                                         Isobutane (R-600a)  99.0% to 99.999%
             Bulk tanks      ISO containers  Other Gases on Request

          Contact our Specialty Gas experts for
          more information today!
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