Page 1 - Wineries Brochure
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It’s going to be

               a very good year.

               Thanks to warm sun-drenched days,

               cool nights and bottled gases from Praxair.

               Winemaking isn’t just an           Production
               art. It’s also a complex
               chemical process. And in           Dry ice (CO ) – a very         Extendapak gases for
               today’s modern wineries,           sweet way to cool              MAP process.
               gases play an increasingly         grapes.                        Praxair Extendapak gases are
                                                                                 used by food processors and
               vital role in virtually every      Dry ice (CO ) is an ideal way to   packagers to extend the shelf
                                                  cool grapes in warm weather.
               aspect of bottled wine.            When added during crushing,    life of their products. These
                                                                                 gases include pure gases such
               As a leader in the industrial      it not only increases yield while   as nitrogen, carbon dioxide
                                                  keeping grape temperatures
               gases industry, Praxair is         down, it also generates more   and oxygen or a mixture of
               actively working side-by-          sweetness. Dry ice is available   these products and function
                                                                                 to displace unwanted atmo-
               side with winemakers               in rice or nuggets and can be   spheric gases when used in
                                                  scooped or poured between
               to explore and perfect             and around products to fill any   a Modified Atmosphere
               new ways in which Praxair          size or shape cavity, or applied   Packaging (MAP) process.
               gases can improve both             directly to the product being
               efficiency and final prod-
               uct. Whether it’s dry ice
               (CO ) for cooling and
               sweetening grapes during
               crushing, nitrogen or
               argon for blanketing, or           Argon vs. nitrogen for
               transportables for testing,        blanketing.
               Praxair has the bottled            Traditionally nitrogen (N ) has
               gases, equipment and               been the safe, affordable
               expertise to make every            choice for blanketing in both
                                                  tanks and bottling. However,
               year an excellent vintage.         experience has shown that it’s
                                                  not totally inert and can form
                                                  nitrites. This is why, with
                                                  Praxair’s help, many wineries
                                                  are switching to argon (Ar).
                                                  Argon’s 100% inert composi-
                                                  tion makes it the ideal gas for

                        To discuss how we can help make this year a good one, contact your
                 Praxair representative at: 1-800-225-8247 or
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