Page 234 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 234

Life Sciences and Healthcare

                                              Medical Pure Gases

            Helium USP
            Chemical Formula: He              See Pure Gas
            Example Applications: Reduce      Section For Transport
            density of breathing mixtures and    Information (page B•53)
            facilitate breathing under certain                       United States of America  Canada  Mexico
            physical and physiological conditions.  Color Code
                                              Shoulder              Brown          Dark Brown    Brown
                                              Body                                   Brown                   Orange
                                                                                   DIN: 02014475

              Helium USP

              Part        Specification   Cylinder Style/    Content      Pressure
              Number                      CGA Connection     (ft /m )     (psig/bar)
              HE M-K         He: ≥ 99.0%  K/580              218/6.05     2,200/154
              HE M-E      Air: < 1.0%     ME/930             22/0.62      2,000/154

                          Odor: None
              HE M-D                      MD/930             13/0.37      2,000/154
              See page B •84 for non-USP-grade cryogenic liquid helium (e.g., used in MRI applications).

            Nitrogen NF
                                              See Pure Gas
            Chemical Formula: N 2
            Example Applications:             Section For Transport
            Inert component in many gas mixtures;   Information (page B•65)
            inert displacement medium for phar-                      United States of America  Canada  Mexico
            maceutical equipment and containers;   Color Code
            propellant in pressurized aerosol dis-  Shoulder        Black          Black         Black
            pensers; coolant for carbon dioxide   Body                                   Black                    Black
            surgical lasers; source of pneumatic                                   DIN: 02014494
            pressure to power gas-operated
            medical devices.

              Nitrogen NF
              Part             Specification   Cylinder Style/          Content     Pressure
              Number                           CGA Connection           (ft /m )    (psig/bar)
              NI M-T          N 2 : ≥ 99.0%    T/580                    304/8.43    2,640/183
              NI M-K          O 2 : < 1.0%     K/580                    228/6.32    2,200/154
                              Odor: None
              NI M-E                           ME/960                   23/0.65     2,000/154
              NI M-D                           MD/960                   14/0.39     2,000/154                       and Healthcare  Life Sciences

              Nitrogen NF Cryogenic Liquid
              Part             Specification   Cylinder Style/          Content     Pressure
              Number                           CGA Connection           (ft /m )    (psig/bar)
              NI MLC230-22     Same            230 L/Gas 580, Liquid 295   5,023/140   22/1.5

              NI MLC180-22     specifications    180 L/Gas 580, Liquid 295   4,099/113   22/1.5
                               as above
              NI MLC180-230                    180 L/Gas 580, Liquid 295   4,099/113   230/16
              NI MLC160-22                     160 L/Gas 580, Liquid 295   3,519/98   22/1.5
              NI MLC160-230                    160 L/Gas 580, Liquid 295   3,519/98   230/16
              Higher purities (NI 4.8M and NI 5.0M) also available for NF-grade gas and cryogenic liquid.

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