Page 295 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 295

Gas Delivery Systems

            Fully Automatic Changeover Manifolds

                                                               ProSpec Auto MUHP5 –
                                                               Custom Cabinet Application
                                                               The Auto MUHP5 panels can be configured into various custom
                                                               configurations. They can also be configured into several sizes
                                                               of gas cabinet enclosure. Panel feature and configurations are
                                                               dependent on local and international safety codes and gas type.

                                                                 Features and Benefits
                                                               As pictured:             n  Additional Fault Monitoring
                                                               n  Custom 3 Cylinder Cabinet –      Capability, continued
                                                                 Large Diameter Process Gas        n  High Outlet Pressure – Critical
                                                                 Cylinder                  Fault & Shutdown

                                                                                          n  Toxic Monitor (Gas Detector)
                                                               n  Fully Automatic Changeover –        – Critical Fault & Shutdown
                                                                 Dual outlet ports         n  Exhaust Failure (Stack or
                                                               n  Auto Switchover on Weight –        Exhaust Switch) Critical Fault
                                                                 Liquefied Contents        n  Remote Shutdown (Remote
            ProSpec  Auto MUHP5                                n  Emergency Stop Button Integral       Stop) Critical Fault &
            The Auto MUHP5 is based on manual 5 valve process panels.     to Controller     Shutdown
            The same features as the ProSpec Auto M5, but designed for    n  Additional Fault Monitoring   n  1X1 Design for pressures up to
                                                                                          3000 psig
            ultra high purity applications, as well as some hazardous gas      Capability  n  Outlet pressure range up to

                                                                n  Displays analog reading of
            applications. The Auto MUHP5 incorporates a high and low       scale Panel 1 & 2    500 psig
            pressure vent with inert purging capabilities. By incorporating the      n  Low Cylinder Alarm  *  Controller will require a regulated
                                                                n  Low Purge Source Pressure –
            PLC controller, SP8100, we can automate, and control switchover        Purge Cylinder Contents    air source @85 psig
            from side to side. The SP8100 is a touch screen controller that
            uses an analog input signals to control the switching of gas from
            one side to the other. The analog signal can be from a pressure
            transducer installed on the inlet side of the primary regulators, or
            from individual scale platforms monitoring weight of a liquefied
            gas cylinder. The controller also has an emergency shutdown
            feature and monitors 2 general and 6 safety faults. The ProSpec
            Auto MUHP5 is an ideal platform for gas cabinet installations.
            We can provide this series in a full auto switchover with purge,
            2 cylinder auto switchover, or a simple process purge. A single
            Auto MUHP5 panel can also be controlled by the SP8100.
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              Features and Benefits
            n  PLC Controller* With 3.5" Touch    n  Additional Fault Monitoring
              Screen Interface         Capability, continued
            n  Fully Automatic Changeover        n  Toxic Monitor (Gas Detector)
              Capability                – Critical Fault & Shutdown
                                       n  Excess Flow (Flow Switch) –
            n  Can Auto Switchover on         Critical Fault & Shutdown
              Pressure and Weight       n  Flame Detector – Critical Fault
            n  Controls One or Two Panels     & Shutdown
            n  Emergency Stop Button Integral       n  Exhaust Failure (Stack or
              to Controller             Exhaust Switch) Critical Fault
                                       n  Remote Shutdown (Remote
            n  Additional Fault Monitoring        Stop) Critical Fault &
              Capability                Shutdown
              n  Displays analog reading of
               scale or transducer   n  1X1 Design for pressures up to
              n  Low Cylinder Alarm    3000 psig
              n  Low Purge Source Pressure  n  Outlet pressure range up to
              n  High Outlet Pressure –      500 psig
               Critical Fault & Shutdown  *  Controller will require a regulated
                                       air source @85 psig

            Other configurations and custom assemblies are available.
            Contact a Praxair representative for further details.

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