Page 337 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 337


            Gas Specific Purifier and Containment Trap Purifiers

            Gas specific purifier modules are designed to be placed in-line with
            the Gas Chromatograph (GC) carrier gas supply or the GC detector
            gas supply. There are three groups of contaminants that impact gas
            chromatography: moisture, hydrocarbons and oxygen. The Gas
            Specific Purifiers remove the three contaminant groups from analytical
            gases prior to entering the GC. Proprietary absorptive materials
            capture and retain contaminants for the operating life of the purifier.
            The new gas specific purifier modules offer dramatic reductions in
            most contaminant levels (from many parts per million to levels that are
            below the lower limit of analytical detection) and absorb a larger num-
            ber and variety of contaminants  than other competitive products. The   Inlet gas containing   High purity
            performance is optimized by incorporating a multiple bed form so that   oxygen, moisture and   outlet gas
            each successive bed functions at a lower contaminant concentration.   hydrocarbons
            The result is a series of contaminant concentration gradients across
            the length of the purifier module. When these advanced materials
            and design features are combined with a known gas contaminant
            concentration, the following performance should be achieved.
            Gas purifiers are designed to help insure the purity of your analytical
            gases at the point of use. Even though you may be purchasing ultra-
            high purity gases, your delivery system may be compromising the level    By combining several beds of specialized sorbent materials,
            of gas purity you require. The best way to make sure your instruments   a contaminant gradient is formed across the entire length of
            are receiving the highest level of gas purity is to utilize point of use    the purifier. This successive bed format achieves the highest
            purification.                                     purity gas commercially available.

              Features and Benefits
            n  Decrease baseline noise and increase GC/MS sensitivity                        Designed to deliver gases
            n  Reduce gas impurities from high ppm to low ppb levels                         at the point of use that
            n  The ultimate purification technology                                          are at least as pure as
                                                                                             what was purchased in
              Specifications                                                                 the cylinder. Point of use
            n  Length                n  Pressure Drop, 827 kPa                               purification is the best
              21" (52.3 cm)            (120 psig) inlet, at a flow of                        way to help insure that
            n  Diameter                0 to 500 ml/min
              1.5" (3.8 cm)            < 2.1 kPa (0.30 psig)                                 your application is receiv-
            n  Maximum Inlet Pressure  n  Compression End                                    ing the highest level
              300 psig (2070 kPa)      Connections                                           of gas purity possible.
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            n  Maximum Recommended       1/8" or 1/4"
              Flow                   n  Shipping Weight
              500 ml/min               1.76 lb (800 g)
              Ordering Information
            Product Description      Part Number    Fitting   CO   CO 2     O 2     H 2 O   Sulfur    NMHC*
            Helium Purifier    PRS-100-1        1/8"   < 1     < 1      < 1     < 1      < 1          < 3
                               PRS-100-2     1/4"
            Hydrogen Purifier    PRS-200-1        1/8"    < 1   < 1     < 1     < 1      < 1          < 3
                               PRS-200-2        1/4"
            Nitrogen Purifier    PRS-300-1        1/8"    < 1   < 1     < 1     < 1      < 1          < 3
                               PRS-300-2        1/4"
            Air Purifier       PRS-400-1        1/8"                            < 1                   < 3
                               PRS-400-2        1/4"
            Moisture Trap      PRST-100-1        1/8"                           < 1
                               PRST-100-2        1/4"
            Hydrocarbon Trap    PRST-200-1        1/8"                                                < 3
                               PRST-200-2        1/4"
            Oxygen Trap        PRST-300-1        1/8"                   < 1     < 1
                               PRST-300-2        1/4"
            Sulfur Trap        PRST-400-1    1/8"                               < 1      < 1
            Methane Purifier   PRST-500-1    1/8"      < 1     < 1      < 1     < 1      < 1          < 3
            Note: Above values are expressed as ppb levels.      * NMHC stands for non-methane hydrocarbons.
            Guide assumes inlet gas supply less than 50 ppm (contaminents).

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