Page 142 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 142


                                              Equipment                                                             Diving

            Cylinder Floor Stand                               4096 Regulator
            Designed and built for the safe                    Praxair's 4096 Regulator is
            storage of cylinders up to 12                      designed to deliver pressure
            inches in diameter. Welded                         ranges of 0-2500 psi for
            construction and epoxy power                       transfilling of inert gases or
            paint finish provide structural                    oxygen from a cylinder or
            integrity.                                         bank source and can be
                                                               panel mounted or ordered
                                                               with a cylinder connection.

                                                                 Features and Benefits
            Part     Description        Dimensions    Weight   n  Front and rear panel mountable  n  Barstock Body
            Number                      W x D x H     lb (kg)    and available with standard       Smooth surface finish
            PRS-275    Four Cylinder Floor Stand    36.5" x 24" x 30"   69 (31)    CGA’s for cylinder  n  Pressure Range
                                        (93 x 61 x 76 cm)        mounting                 0-2500 psig
            PRS-375    Six Cylinder Floor Stand    48.5" x 24" x 30"    81 (37)
                                        (123 x 61 x 76 cm)
            PRS-475    Eight Cylinder Floor Stand    64" x 24" x 30"    93 (42)
                                        (163 x 61 x 76 cm)     n  Maximum Inlet Pressure   n  Weight
                                                                 3000 psig                5.9 lbs
                                                               n  Gauges                n  Cv
                                                                 2-1/2" chrome plated brass    .06
                                                               n  Temperature Range     n  Ports
                                                                 -40 °F to 140 °F         1/4" NPTF
            Protocol Station                                     (-40 °C to 60 °C)
            Designed to provide a safe,
            economical way to support                            Materials
            regulators, which helps prevent                    n  Seat                  n  Body
            regulator damage.                                    Vespal ®                 Nickel plated brass barstock
                                                               n  Seals                 n  Bonnet
                                                                 Buna-N                   Nickel plated brass

                                                                 Ordering Information
                                                               Part         Outlet      Gauges      Description
            Part Number              Description
                                                               Number       Pressure
            PRS50290104-CGA          Protocol Station          PRS4096-1580    0-2500 psig    Inlet 0-3000    Helium and
                                                                                        Outlet 0-3000    Argon Service
                                                               PRS4096-2540    0-2500 psig    Inlet 0-3000    Oxygen Service
                                                                                        Outlet 0-3000

            Wall Mounted
            Cylinder Bracket
            Government regulations require
            that compressed gas cylinders                      Pressure Gauges
            be secured when in storage                         These 2-1/2" chrome-plated
            or in use. This cast aluminum                      brass gauges allow for
            bracket, with chain restraint,                     monitoring of pressure in
            provides an easy method to                         system.
            secure to a suitable surface.
                                                               Part Number    Range
                                                               PRS550-0248    0-4000
            Part Number              Description
            PRS400-CH                Cylinder Wall Bracket

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