Page 145 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 145




            Praxair’s Commitment to Safety    Serving the Electronics Sector    dependable, ultra-high purity (UHP)
                                                                                gases for all categories of electronic
            Praxair has an unwavering commitment   With advanced production on three   device fabrication. The Kingman facil-
            to put safety first. As a cornerstone of   continents including Asia, Europe and    ity enables Praxair reliably delivered
            our corporate culture, Praxair closely   North America, Praxair’s full line of   of quality and consistency for all our
            monitors the safety performance of    Semiconductor Process Gases pro-   electronics gases.
            our worldwide electronics plants and   vide the consistent purity that is essen-
            distribution infrastructure to maintain    tial to microelectronics and related high   Kingman is uniquely designed to meet
            the highest safety and compliance   technology manufacturing. Praxair sup-  the critical quality requirements of the
            standards. We have established pro-  plies Semiconductor Process Gases   semiconductor industry. These require-
            grams which range from executive    that are used throughout all sectors of   ments demand not only consistently
            compensation linked to safety perfor-  the industry:                producing UHP gases but also main-
            mance, to audit and shared learning   n  IC                         taining purity throughout the cylinder
            procedures to ensure that all incidents   n  LED                    filling operation.
            are communicated, analyzed, and   n  LCD
            precluded from reoccurring.       n  Photovoltaics                  Praxair Technology Center
                                              n  Photonics                      Praxair’s Technology Center located
            Quality System                    n  Nanotechnology                 at Tonawanda, New York is dedicated
            Quality in the products and services   n  Printed circuit board and assembly;  to research on applications, analytical
            supplied by Praxair is uncompromising.   and related technologies.  specifications, and systems’ design.
            Praxair is committed to providing its    Praxair is dedicated to helping semi-  Satellite Technology Centers are
            customers with the highest quality   conductor manufacturers lower costs,   located in major countries around
            products, technology, and services   improve productivity, enhance technol-  the world.
            available. Proven quality assurance   ogy and reduce environmental impact   The Praxair Technology Center
            and leadership programs have helped   by serving as a single, integrated   personnel in Tonawanda, New York,
            Praxair meet its customers’ needs.   source for a variety of process gases,   endeavor to continually enhance
            Praxair’s Quality Program is used to   materials, and related equipment and   equipment performance, analytical
            direct each employee toward meeting   services.                     methods, contamination reduction
            customer expectations all the time.                                 programs and new procedures to in-
            The Quality Assurance Program     Praxair Kingman, AZ               crease our gas purity and consistency.
            includes the application of Statistical   Praxair manufactures, purifies and   These dedicated scientists offer cutting
            Quality Control (SQC) which guides   blends gases for the electronics indus-  edge insights adding to Praxair’s
            Praxair’s chemists and technicians   try at its production center in Kingman,   commitment to meet the ever-tight-
            through strict procedures for monitor-  Arizona. This highly advanced facility   ening demands of the semiconductor
            ing and controlling product variation   has enhanced Praxair’s reputation as a   industry.
            and purity and helps ensure consistent,   leading producer of consistently
            in-spec product.

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