Page 162 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 162


                                              Assuring Compliance

            NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRMs)          EPA Protocols
            NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRM) – Certified by   EPA Protocol gas mixtures are required for the monitoring
            the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)   of emissions from stationary sources and are used for the
            and accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency   calibration and Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) of
            (EPA), as the highest accuracy standards commercially    Continuous Emission Monitors (CEMs) as specified under
            produced. These standards are the regulatory equivalent    EPA 600/R-12/531.
            to NIST’s Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) and are   Praxair EPA Protocols are NIST traceable with a ± 1%
            made up of the same components and are within the    accuracy, produced in accordance with the latest EPA
            same analytical range.                              specifications. The benefits to you include:
            The NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRM) program,   ■    Certified analytical uncertainty of ±1% is possible for
            was developed in a consortium with NIST, EPA, and       reliable analyzer certification, calibration and audit.
            industry participation. The program was intended to    ■   Multiple production facilities and stocking locations
            increase the availability of NIST traceable primary gas    to help ensure an uninterrupted supply of Protocol
            standards to industry. NTRMs supplement the supply of    standards.
            existing gaseous Standard Reference Materials (SRMs)
            and can be used wherever SRMs have been used in the   ■    Standards that are labeled and supplied with complete
            past. These mixtures are similar in composition to NIST    documentation required to help ensure compliance.
            primary and SRM standards. However, because the     ■    Praxair’s cylinder treatment process is designed to
            concentration of the certified component can be bracketed   provide maximum allowed shelf life within the stated
            by existing primary NIST standards, NTRM component       analytical uncertainty. (Please see page D•162 for
            concentrations can fall above, below or between exist-     certification periods).
            ing SRM concentrations. This offers end users additional   ■    Praxair maintains a complete range of NIST Standard
            calibration reference points for greater accuracy and lower   Reference Materials (SRMs) and NIST Traceable
            uncertainty measurements.                             Reference Materials (NTRMs).
            NTRMs are manufactured in a batch by Praxair, with
            NIST assigning the component concentration. The
            NTRM program was designed to replace the EPA’s
            Certified Reference Material (CRM) program. EPA has
            stated that it accepts NTRMs in place of CRMs and
            allows their use as equivalent to SRMs for certification                                                Environmental
            of emissions and production of mixture standards, such
            as EPA Protocols.
            Available mixture components include:
            ■    Carbon Dioxide
            ■    Carbon Monoxide
            ■    Hydrogen Sulfide
            ■    Methane
            ■    Nitric Oxide
            ■    Nitrogen Dioxide
            ■    Oxygen
            ■    Propane
            ■    Sulfur Dioxide
            Concentration ranges fall closely above, below or between
            existing NIST SRM concentrations.
            To address any application questions you have, technical
            support is available from your Praxair Sales Representative
            or North America Technical Support Center:

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   D•161
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