Page 160 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
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                                              Product Summary

            Environmental Grades                                Standard Grades
            Praxair’s North American Specialty Gases sales, technical    When NIST traceability is not required, Praxair’s standard
            support and production teams will provide you with the    grades are available to meet your working gas requirements.
            right information and products for all your environmental   In addition to Primary, Certified and Non-Certified
                                                                Standards, Praxair’s unique Custom Standard allows
            Our extensive product offering includes:            you to specify the exact blend tolerance and analytical
            ■   NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRM) –     uncertainty for the mixture.
               Certified by the National Institute of Standards and    ■   Primary Standard – Highly accurate mixtures prepared
              Technology (NIST) and accepted by the Environmental    gravimetrically on high-precision electronic balances.
              Protection Agency (EPA), as the highest accuracy    These standards are analyzed against Praxair Primary
              standards commercially available. These standards     Laboratory Standards (PPLS) and named to a gravime-
              are the regulatory equivalent to NIST’s Standard    trically generated concentration.
              Reference Materials (SRMs). NTRMS are made using    ■   Certified Standard – These routine calibration mixtures
              the same components and are within the              are prepared by either gravimetric, volumetric or partial
              analytical range of NIST SRMs.                      pressure methods. These standards are analyzed
            ■   EPA Protocols – These gas mixtures are used for the   against Praxair Primary Laboratory Standards (PPLS).
              calibration and audit of Continuous Emission Monitors    ■   Non-Certified – Mixtures are prepared by the same
              (CEMs). Praxair EPA Protocols are NIST traceable with       methods and the same care used for Certified Standard
              a ±1% accuracy and produced in accordance with the
               latest EPA specifications found in document –      Grades. Analyses are not reported.
              EPA 600/R-12/531 Rev. 5/2012.                     ■   Custom – Mixtures prepared to the exact blend
            ■   Primary Master – High accuracy mixtures prepared   tolerance and analytical uncertainty requested.
              gravimetrically on electronic high precision scales.
              These standards are analyzed and named against
              NIST traceable reference materials.
            ■   Certified Master – These routine calibration mixtures
              are prepared by either gravimetric, volumetric or partial
              pressure methods and analyzed against NIST traceable
              reference materials.                                                                                  Environmental
            ■   Dynamic-Blend Master – These zero blend tolerance
              mixtures are prepared on an instrument based dynamic
              blending system. All master gases are analyzed and
              named against NIST, SRM or NTRMs. Replication for
              any number of cylinders can be produced with identical
            ■   Dynamic-Blend Standard – These mixtures are
               prepared similarly to the Dynamic Blend Master.
               Certification of the mixtures is based on process
              accuracy and Praxair Primary Laboratory Standards

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