Page 218 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 218


                                              Analytical Instrumentation

              Praxair’s Gas Grade Recommendations
              Analytical Method      Instrument   Page     Analytical Range     “Type of Analysis
              Detector               Gases        Number   < 100 ppm   > 100 ppm   Impurity Considerations”
              NMR                    LHe          B •84    Liquid    Liquid     Analysis of Molecular Structure
              (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)   LN 2    B •85   Liquid   Liquid
              MS                     Air          B •24    AI 0.0UZ   AI 0.0UZ   All Compounds via Various
              (Mass Spectrometry)    Ar           B •26    AR 5.5TG/   AR 5.0UH/    Ionization Sources
                                                           AR 5.0UH   AR 4.8IC
                                     LAr          B •82    AR 5.0    AR 5.0/
                                                                     AR 4.8IC
                                     He           B •53    HE 5.5TG   HE 5.0UH
                                     H 2          B •54    HY 6.0RS   HY 5.0UH
                                     N 2          B •65    NI 5.5TG/   NI 5.0UH
                                                           NI 5.0UH
                                     LN 2         B •85    NI 5.0    NI 5.0/
                                                                     NI 4.8
                                     NH 3  in He   C •99   Certified   Certified
                                                           Standard   Standard
              Nuclear Counter        5% CH 4  in Ar   D •218   IG P5   IG P5    Radioactivity
                                     10% CH 4  in Ar   D •218   IG P10   IG P10                                     Laboratories
                                                  D •218   IG NC4    IG NC4
                                     1.3% n-C 4 H 10
                                     in He
                                                  D •218   IG NC5    IG NC5
                                     0.95% i-C 4 H 10
                                     in He
              Hydrometer             Air          B •24    AI 0.0UZ   AI 0.0Z   Moisture in All Gases
                                     N 2          B •65    NI 6.0RS   NI 5.0UH
              Paramagnetic Analyzer   N 2         B •65    N/A       NI 5.0UH   Oxygen in All Gases
                                     O 2  in N 2    C •127   Certified   Certified
                                                           Standard   Standard
              Combustion Analyzer    Ar           B •26    AR 5.0UH   AR 5.0UH   Elemental Analysis – Carbon,
                                     He           B •53    HE 5.0UH   HE 5.0UH   Nitrogen, Sulfur
                                     N 2          B •65    NI 5.0UH   NI 5.0UH
                                     O 2          B •70    OX 5.0RS   OX 5.0RS

              Gas Grade Legend                                  Please refer to designated page numbers for available
              CE  –  Continuous Emissions Monitoring            cylinder styles, contents, and other information.
              ICP –  Inductively Coupled Plasma                 Please refer to the Instrumentation Mixture Summary
              RS  –  Research/Chromatographic                   on page D •218 for additional information regarding mixtures.
              TG  –  Trace Analytical                           Please refer to the Regulator Reference Guide on page E •241
              UH  –  Ultra High Purity                          for help in selecting the appropriate cylinder regulator.
              UZ  –  Ultra Zero
              VC  –  Volatile Organic Compound Free
              Z   –  Zero

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