Page 242 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 242


                                              Regulator Summary and Reference Guide

            Regulator Summary
            Critical Purity – 4000 Series Regulators            High Purity Economical – 2000 Series Regulators
            These stainless steel and brass regulators are recommended   These chrome-plated brass regulators have similar features to
            where purity and contamination requirements are important.   the 3000 Series with a few specific design characteristics. They
            They are most often used with Critical Purity Gases (greater   are most often used with high purity gases (less than 99.999%
            than 99.9995% or purity grade 5.5) and Toxic or Flammable   or purity grade 5.0) when higher flow rates are required and
            gases, where vent lines are required from the regulator. The   cost is the most important issue. The 2000 Series regulators
            4000 Series regulators are available for both corrosive and    are available for non-corrosive service.
            non-corrosive service.
                                                                Special Purpose Regulators
            High Purity – 3000 Series Regulators                These regulators incorporate quality features from all of the
            These nickel-plated brass/stainless steel regulators are    above series. They have been designed with special features
            recommended for applications where diffusion resistance is   for specific applications.
            an important factor in ensuring purity. They provide the same   This Regulator Reference Guide will assist you in the
            features as the 4000 series with the exception of the relief valve.   appropriate selection of a Specialty Gas regulator. We have
            This series is  most often used with high purity gases (equal to   provided a “Series” recommendation for each pure gas offered
            99.999% or purity grade 5.0). The 3000 Series regulators are   in this catalog. Within each Series select which model best suits
            available for both corrosive and non-corrosive service.  your needs using the selection and reference guidelines. If you
                                                                have any questions, contact your local Praxair Specialty Gases
                                                                representative or Customer Service Center.

              Reference Guide
            Critical Purity – 4000 Series                       Special Purpose
            Non-Corrosive Models     Regulator Type   Page      Regulator Models             Regulator Type   Page
            4012 Series              Dual Stage       E •244    2006 Series                  Single Stage   E •261
            4002 Series              Single Stage     E •245    Cryogenic Liquid Cylinder Service
            4005 Series              Line Regulator   E •246    3025 Series                  Single Stage   E •262
                                                                Non-Corrosive Gas in Lecture Bottles                Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            Corrosive Models         Regulator Type   Page
            4032 Series              Dual Stage       E •247    3026 Series                  Single Stage   E •262
                                                                Corrosive Gas in Lecture Bottles
            4022 Series              Single Stage     E •248    2010 Series, High Purity/Non-Corrosive   Dual Stage   E •263
            4025 Series              Line Regulator   E •249
                                                                4083 and 4085 Series, Critical Purity/   Single Stage/   E •264
            High Purity – 3000 Series                           High Flow, Non-Corrosive Service   Line
                                                                4084 and 4086 Series, Critical Purity/   Single Stage/   E •265
            Non-Corrosive Models     Regulator Type   Page
            3012 Series              Dual Stage       E •250    High Flow, Corrosive Service   Line
            3002 Series              Single Stage     E •251    4092 and 4093 Series         Piston        E •266
            3004 Series              Line Regulator   E •252    High Inlet/Outlet Pressure for
                                                                Corrosive and Non-Corrosive Service
            Corrosive Models         Regulator Type   Page      145 Series                   Piston        E •267
            3032 Series              Dual Stage       E •253    High Inlet/Outlet Pressure for
            3022 Series              Single Stage     E •254    Corrosive and Non-Corrosive Service
            3024 Series              Line Regulator   E •255    4094 and 4095 Series         Piston        E •268
                                                                High Pressure/High Flow
            High Purity Economical – 2000 Series
                                                                3013 Series, High Purity for Oxygen Service  Dual Stage   E •269
            Non-Corrosive Models     Regulator Type   Page      3003 Series, for Oxygen Service    Single Stage   E •270
            2012 Series              Dual Stage       E •256    3005 Series, Oxygen Line Regulator   Line   E •271
            2002 Series              Single Stage     E •257    4008 Series                  Single Stage   E •272
            2005 Series              Line Regulator   E •258    High Purity, Corrosive Gas Service

            General Purpose                                     3008 Series, Electrically Heated Regulator   Single Stage   E •273
                                                                170 Series, Low Pressure Line Regulator    E •274
            Non-Corrosive Models     Regulator Type   Page                                   Line
            120 Series               Single Stage     E •259    3028 Series                  Single Stage   E •274
            100 Series               Dual Stage       E •259    Lecture Bottles, Corrosive Service
            1009-65 Series           Single Stage     E •260    4448 Series, Vaporizing Regulator          E •275
            1009-75 Series           Dual Stage       E •260    3000 Series                  Single and    E •276
                                                                Flowmeter and Regulator Combinations   Dual Stage
                                                                Corrosive and Non-Corrosive Service
                                                                300 Series, High Purity/Low Flow for   Two Stage   E •277
                                                                Corrosive and Non-Corrosive Service
                                                                7002, 7003 and 7004 Series   Single Stage   E •278
                                                                Semiconductor Process Gas Regulators

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