Page 155 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 155

Engine Emissions


              Name             Part        Cylinder   O 2         H 2 O   CO 2    CO   THC   NOx   N 2 O   SO 2
                               Number      Style
              Ultra Zero Ambient   AI 0.0UM   AS, AQ, T,    19.9 - 21.9%   < 2   –   < 0.05  < 0.05  < 0.02  –   –
              Monitoring                   K, Q
              Volatile Organic   AI 0.0VC   AS, AQ, A3   19.9 - 21.9%   < 2   < 0.03  < 0.05  < 0.01   –   –   –
              Compound Free                                                          VOC*
              Vehicle Emissions   AI 0.01065   AS, AQ, A3   20.5 - 21.5%   –   ≤ 10   ≤ 1   ≤ 0.05  ≤ 0.02  ≤ 0.02  –
              Part 1065**
              Continuous Emission   AI 0.0CE   AS, AQ, A3   19.9 - 21.9%   < 2   < 1   < 0.5   < 0.1   < 0.1   –   < 0.1
              Monitoring Zero
              Vehicle Emission Zero  AI 0.0VE   T, K, AS, AQ   18 - 21%    < 1   < 1   < 0.5   < 0.1   < 0.1   –   –
              BAR-97 Zero Air   MS BAR972A   D7, AS   20.9%       –     < 1   < 1    < 1    < 1   –      –
              Ultra Zero Air   AI 0.0UZ    T, K, Q    19.5 - 23.5%   < 2   < 0.5   < 0.5   < 0.1   –   –   –
              Zero             AI 0.0Z     T, K       19.5 - 23.5%   –   –    –      < 1    –     –      –
              Extra Dry        AI 0.0XD    T, K       19.5 - 23.5%   < 10   –   –    –      –     –      –
              *   Individually analyzed for customer selected VOC component(s).
              **  Complies with Title 40 Part 1065.750
               Complies with Title 40 Part 86: 114.79 and EPA I/M 240.
              For other applications, alternative specifications may apply.
              Concentrations given are ppm by volume unless otherwise specified.
              Maximum ppm unless otherwise noted.

     Engine Emissions
            Protocol Alarm Station                              High Purity Automatic Changeover System
            The 5029 Series Protocol Alarm Station combines all of the   The 5028B (Brass) and 5028S (316 Stainless Steel) Series
            safety and features of a standard Protocol Station with the   high purity automatic switchover systems are designed to
            added security of a remote alarm system. See page E•283   provide a continuous supply of high purity gases to the
            for complete details.                               laboratory, process or instrument. See page E•286 for
                                                                complete details.
            Part Numbers
            Zero Air       PRS50291101-590                      Part Numbers
            Zero Nitrogen   PRS50291101-580                     Brass                  PRS5028B
                                                                316 Stainless Steel    PRS5028S

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