Page 153 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 153

Engine Emissions

            Mobile Source Emissions

            Mobile Source Emissions Standards
            Federal, Provincial and State vehicle emission regulations    A wide range of high purity gases and calibration standards,
            require certification of tailpipe emissions to prescribed    blended to the manufacturers exacting specifications,
            levels. These regulations mainly deal with in-use certification   are available.
            for currently owned and licensed on-road vehicles.  In-use testing is traditionally referred to as Inspection
            High pressure precision gas mixtures, in various    and Maintenance (I/M) testing. I/M automotive calibration
            concentrations, are also supplied to original equipment    standards are referred to as “BAR” mixtures, and are
            manufacturers for new engine certification of internal    defined by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
            combustion engines (ICE).

              BAR Certified I/M Automotive Calibration Standards

              Mixture            Carbon     Carbon    Propane    Nitric      Balance    BAR        Analytical
              (Praxair Part Number)    Dioxide    Monoxide       Oxide       Gas       Blend Code   Uncertainty
              BAR-90 Low                6.0%   1.0%   300 ppm    N/A         Nitrogen   11         ± 2%
              (MS BAR90L-D7)
              BAR-90 Mid                 12.0%   4.0%   1,200 ppm   N/A      Nitrogen   12         ± 2%
              (MS BAR90M-D7)
              BAR-97 Low w/NO    6.0%      0.5%       200 ppm    300 ppm     Nitrogen   32         ± 1%
              (MS BAR97LNO-D7)
              BAR-97 Low                6.0%   0.5%   200 ppm    N/A         Nitrogen   31         ± 1%
              (MS BAR97L-D7)
              BAR-97 High w/NO   12.0%     8.0%       3,200 ppm   3,000 ppm   Nitrogen   35        ± 1%
              (MS BAR97HNO-D7)
     Engine Emissions
              BAR-97 High               12.0%   8.0%   3,200 ppm   N/A       Nitrogen   34         ± 1%
              (MS BAR97H-D7)
              BAR 97 Zero Air
              Mixture               Total        Carbon     Carbon    Nitric    Oxygen   Balance   BAR
              (Praxair Part Number)    Hydrocarbons    Monoxide   Dioxide   Oxide            Gas   Blend Code
              BAR-97 Zero Air        < 1 ppm     < 1 ppm    < 1 ppm   < 1 ppm   20.9%    Nitrogen   37
              (MS BAR97ZA-D7)
              BAR-97 Zero Air        < 1 ppm     < 1 ppm    < 1 ppm   < 1 ppm   20.9%    Nitrogen   45
              (MS BAR97ZA-AS) (3)

              Listed are the most commonly used mixtures. Please contact your   (1)  Labeled at the nominal (listed) concentrations.
              Praxair Sales Representative for additional BAR certified mixtures.   (2)  Labeled at the analyzed concentrations.
              Mixtures with a D7 suffix in the part number are supplied in single use,   (3)  High pressure aluminum AS cylinder available for
              low pressure transportable cylinders.              operational savings.

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