Page 148 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Reference Guide
P. 148


                                              Excimer Laser Gas Mixtures

            Laser Gas Mixtures for
            DUV Lithography
            KrF and ArF                         Fluorine/Krypton/Neon (248nm)     Fluorine/Argon/Neon (193nm)
            Praxair now offers active, fluorine    Major Components               Major Components
            containing laser gas mixes for KrF    F 2         0.9 - 1.0%          F 2           0.9 - 1.0%
            (248 nm) and ArF (193 nm) DUV       Kr            1.2 - 1.3%          Kr            NA
            lithography applications. Made in facto-  Ar      NA                  Ar            3.4 - 3.6%
            ries dedicated to the electronics indus-  Ne      Balance             Ne            Balance
            try, Praxair products meet the exacting   Impurities (ppm/v)          Impurities (ppm/v)                Electronics
            specifications of the world’s leading   N 2       50                  N 2           50
            laser OEMs. Combined with Praxair’s   O 2         25                  O 2           25
            unique rare gas production capabilities,   HF/H 2 O   25              HF/H 2 O      25
            our customers are assured of a secure   CH 4        1                 CH 4            1
            and cost competitive source of these   CO 2         5                 CO 2            5
            mixes.                              CO              1                 CO              1
                                                CF 4            2                 CF 4            2
            Key Benefits:                       SF 6            1                 SF 6            1
            n  Compliant with all laser         SiF 4           2                 SiF 4           2
              OEM specifications
            n  Secure raw material supply       COF 2           2                 COF 2           2
                                                NF 3
                                                                                  NF 3
            n  Produced in plants designed for and    He        8                 He              8
              dedicated to the electronics markets
            n  Made with tight tolerance mixing    Xe         10                  Xe            10
              technology and high precision
              analytical testing
                                                KrF/ArF mix
                                                Cylinder    Valve             Contents
                                                44 liter – K     CGA 679/DISS 728    6000 liters
                                                49 liter – T    CGA 679/DISS 728    7500 liters

            KrNe and ArXeNe                     Krypton/Neon (248 nm)             Argon/Xenon/Neon (193 nm)
            Praxair Electronics has combined    Major Components                  Major Components
            its leading-edge precision mixture  Kr (%)        1.25 ± 0.05         Ar (%)        3.5 ± 0.1
            manufacturing technology with its   Ne            Balance             Xe (ppm)      10 ± 2
            captive rare gas production to offer    Impurities (ppm)              Ne            Balance
            a secure supply of excimer laser inert   H 2 O    < 0.5               Impurities (ppm)
            gas in cost-effective, high volume   O 2          < 0.5               H 2 O         < 0.5
            production.                         N 2           < 1.0               O 2           < 0.5
            Praxair’s excimer laser products have   CH 4      < 0.5               N 2           < 1.0
                                                                                  CH 4
                                                              < 0.5
                                                                                                < 0.5
            passed OEM certification, and are   CO 2          < 0.5               CO            < 0.5
            available to support advanced photo-   CF 4       < 0.5               CO 2          < 0.5
            lithography applications.
                                                He            < 8.0               CF 4          < 0.5
            Key Benefits:                       Xe            < 1.0               He            < 8.0
            n   OEM qualified
            n  Secure raw material supply
            n  Regional mixture production      KrNe/ArXeNe
            n  High precision analytical
                                                Cylinder    Valve             Contents
                                                44 liter – K     CGA 580/DISS 718    6000 liters
                                                49 liter – T    CGA 580/DISS 718    7500 liters

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